Posted by BJN on Jan 13, 2018

Welcome to Meeting No. 124 of the Rotary eClub of Latitude 38



Marily Oppezzo
January is Vocational Service Month

President's Message

Brian sent out the following message to all members on behalf of Kerrie on 28 November 2017 in the hope that we could get conversations going within the club. I understand that a few contacts have been made but could I encourage you to move these along please along the lines suggested. Some of the newer members need to be added to the list and Kerrie will do that shortly.


Here's the message again:


"At our last Board meeting Kerrie was tasked with putting mentors in place for new members and getting conversations going across our club. She has put the following list together on the basis that you've got something in common. A similar post is on the clubs Facebook page. It's not meant to be onerous - in traditional clubs new members have a "go to" person to help them learn so this is an adaption of that system for busy people trying to learn and serve others on the run. The idea is to touch base with others in your group via  F/B, email, phone, or in person before the end of the year. Send a Christmas message, look back through posts to find an ice breaker or just rely on the fact that we are all members of a world wide organisation that makes a difference in the lives of others. By all means contact others but start as suggested: 

1. Deanne, Ian and Carol, 

2. Ian, Grant and Pete, 

3. Grant, David and Deanne, 

4. Brian, Anthony and Phil, 

5. Pete, Soph and Anthony, 

6. Janet, Ruth and Kerrie, 

7. Cindy, Bill and Kerrie, 

8. Brian, Tom and Amy, 

9. Amy, Phil and Heather,

10. Tom, David and Cindy, 

11. Bill, Carol and Janet, 

12. Ruth, Sophanit and Heather. 


The contact could be as simple as a welfare check.... are you ok?"


If you need any help with contact details please get on to Kerrie or Brian.


I look forward to hearing how the conversations go.  


Some late news: Pete S.'s father has died suddenly in Orange NSW and he is flying home from Vietnam where he works. Our thoughts go out to Pete and his family at this time.




Deanne S.

President 2017-18


Register for the D9820 Conference to be held in Sale on 16 -18 February 2018. Go to:

This week's meeting material 

Want to be more creative? Go for a walk - When trying to come up with a new idea, we all have times when we get stuck. But according to research by behavioural and learning scientist Marily Oppezzo, getting up and going for a walk might be all it takes to get your creative juices flowing. In this fun, fast talk, she explains how walking could help you get the most out of your next brainstorm.

Brian Norris
Website Manager

Club Projects

This officially ends meeting No.124.
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact Brian Norris at
Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.