Meeting No 14 - 11 July 2015
Welcome to meeting No.14 of the eClub of Latitude 38.
This week's meeting material
This week we have a number of activities for you to get involved with and to give some feedback if you wish.
- There are comments from two members about last week's material (See below). These are always welcome.
- K.R. "Ravi" Ravindran - International Rotary President 2015-16
- Rotary Club Radio
- Rotary Foundation - Doing Good: Promoting Peace
- How healthy living nearly killed me - A.J.Jacobs
Brian Norris
Website Manager
Possible items on our agenda for the future
- Partnership with Disaster Aid Australia - Jenny Hammet would like to take this forward
- Development of a Crowdfunding scheme
- Microcredit project - some interest from Pete Showell with this one.
- Kits for kids - See list above. Russell Voss is interested in this project.
- Every member to become a Centurion ie giving $100 per annum to the Rotary Foundation - Suggested last week by member, PDG Ian Sayers.
Member comments on last week's meeting (No.13)
President Kerrie also wrote on 6 July:
Looking at the material this week I especially liked how eClub One explained what an eClub is “ ..not a virtual Rotary Club, but a real Rotary Club comprising real living, breathing and working Rotarians doing real Rotary projects while using the internet as a tool to manage the club and manage projects’. Bella Field – what a story. So young, so confident and what a wonderful achievement in memory of her sister who she obviously loved so dearly. The power of love and literacy….£90,000! I liked the food clip and thought that should give us some ideas about a project and the way to go about introducing it and then the Food Aid presentation reinforced the connection between good nutrition, education and the ability to support ourselves, our family and our community. I think the projects we have on board are great but would encourage the members and committee looking at clean water and sustainable projects to look at these resources a second time. The Ranfurly Book Aid project aligns perfectly with Rotary’s emphasis on literacy.
Ian Sayers wrote on 5 July:
It’s bitterly cold here today, so I’m feeling rather envious of Russ and his wife in 32⁰. It’s 1300 hrs and the fog hasn’t lifted yet – very much a Canberra winter’s day.
I was interested to see that one of Rotary eClub One’s projects was for Ranfurly Book Aid. That’s a great Rotary program that few people outside of New South Wales (and the ACT) would have heard of. For many years I took a ute load of books, roughly once a month, occasionally more often, to Ranfurly at Rozelle in Sydney. If anyone is interested, a bit about it can be found on the RAWCS Eastern Region website under Donations-in-Kind. That might be something we could do.
What an inspirational lass was Bella Field? That’s one of the best stories I heard for a long time. I wonder if her big sister reading to her from an early is one of the reasons she’s so switched on. The reading on Rotary partners raised a question in my mind. Who are the Rotarian representatives each year to UN bodies and NGOs. I had a look at a couple and there is no mention of Rotary. I might ask RI.
As one who has human geography in his kit of tools I was most interested in Associate Professor Bill Pritchard’s presentation. Occasionally people will listen to human geographers. The TEDx food item was also interesting. What they both did was prompt me to find out more about TED. I now know a fraction more than I did beforehand.
This officially ends meeting No.14
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at
Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.