Posted by PS on Aug 25, 2018

Welcome to Meeting No. 148 of the Rotary eClub of Latitude 38 


This week's meeting material

TED@BCG - Lana Mazahreh

According to the UN, nearly one in three people worldwide live in a country facing a water crisis, and less than five percent of the world lives in a country that has more water today than it did 20 years ago. Lana Mazahreh grew up in Jordan, a state that has experienced absolute water scarcity since 1973, where she learned how to conserve water as soon as she was old enough to learn how to write her name. In this practical talk, she shares three lessons from water-poor countries on how to save water and address what's fast becoming a global crisis.

Click here to watch the video


DG Partner's Project 2018-19 - Safe Water For Every Child

Charlie Speirs’ DG Partner’s Project 2018-19 is to raise money to install SkyHydrant Water Filtration systems in Third World Schools. The SkyHydrant is a proven sustainable method of removing all bacteria and dirt & produces 1000 litres of safe water an hour. 

Click here to go to the Rotary District 9820 Facebook Post for more information.


Rotary Club Project Spotlight - Rotary Club of Buderim 

Lifestraw is a portable filtering appliance which will filter out impurities from contaminated water. It filters out bacteria, viruses and protozoa making contaminated water safe to drink. It does not require reticulated water and does not require any power source. Grahame Orpin, a member of the Rotary Club of Buderim travelled to the Philippines with World Outreach International Aid taking with him our precious cargo, ensuring that donations were placed in the hands of those in need in the devastated area. “Personal LifeStraws were given to 700 families; 120 LifeStraw Communities are now on their way to the Philippines. The distribution of community filters will provide over 100,000 litres of filtered water from each device. This will assist with the prevention of dysentery problems due to the polluted water seen in most towns and villages” Grahame said

Click Here for more information and dont forget to watch the video.




Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)

Our Rotary Club wishes to send two disadvantaged young people to a Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) weekend at a cost of $480 each.  RYLA helps participants gain a better understanding of their own strengths, passions and values. Click here to go to our Go Fund Me page to learn more about how to support developing youth leadership skills.


Coming Up - September is Literacy Month! 

September is recognised across the world in Rotary as Literacy Month. In particular, 8 September is International Literacy Day and celebrated widely, not just by Rotary. 

The Literacy - Rotarian Action Group ( ) has produced a 'flyer' to help the districts. It includes information and challenges - written for your easy use across the district. 


This officially ends meeting No.148. Let me know on our Facebook group what you thought of the meeting material.

If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact Pete at

Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.


Pete Showell

