Meeting No 15 - 18 July 2015
Welcome to meeting No.15 of the eClub of Latitude 38.
This week's meeting material
This week we have a number of activities for you to get involved with and to give some feedback if you wish.
- There are comments from two members about last week's material (See below). These are always welcome.
- Illiteracy traps adults, and their families, in poverty - Some Rotary Material to read
- 2015-16 Theme Address K.R. Ravindran RI President-elect (edited) - Following on from last week's Rotary reading piece.
- Toilet Humour is Serious Business - Mark Balla - Suggested by Ian Sayers
Brian Norris
Website Manager
- Partnership with Disaster Aid Australia
- Development of a Crowdfunding scheme
- Micro-credit loans and projects
- Kits for kids
- Support of the Rotary Foundation
Members' contributions and news
From President Kerrie:
Welcome to this week’s meeting and a special welcome to Bob C who has joined us recently.
This week's material gave us an introduction to the new Rotary International President, K.R. Ravi Ravindran who has a very impressive CV, a look at Rotary Radio which is a clever idea then a look at The Rotary Foundation and an initiative to promote peace. The inspirational video about AJ Jacob’s experiment into healthy living should have us all thinking twice about what we do - imagine all that sunscreen, going almost everywhere with a stack hat on and I wonder how out of date his knowledge was when he got to the final book of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. It was a funny take on an otherwise serious subject.
For the good of Rotary
We are another step closer to charter with Bob C’s application and I am starting to wonder how we might celebrate. Traditional clubs would have a dinner or breakfast so I’m looking for some suggestions please.
Ian is working on our Constitution and Bylaws with the help of eClub Melbourne and will participate in a teleconference to help us and other eclubs navigate the legislation which is coming into effect shortly.
In light of our number and in anticipation of charter I am again looking for nominations for Board positions please. We also need to start forming committees. Both are necessary for our charter and our ability to operate. The positions as I understand we need to fill are:
Vice President
Service Avenues
Public Relations
Club Administration
Under this structure the Service Avenues person would lead and coordinate and represent the chairs of the different service avenues committees on the Board. That’s not to say that the Chairs are not welcome at Board meetings – you certainly would be – but the structure is designed to help people manage their Rotary commitment.
Committees are – youth, international, community and vocational.
I have received the following nominations for the Board so far:
Ian S – The Rotary Foundation
Brian N – Community Service or Service Avenues
As I see it, the projects we have on the table would fit under these committees as follows: Kits for kids (youth), Disaster Aid Australia (international), micro loans (community) but I’m happy to be corrected on this division.
Action required: Please let me know which of these committees you would like to be on and put forward other ideas for club members to become involved in.
Member Introductions
I flagged a few meetings ago the need for us to start introducing ourselves on paper at least and thought I’d lead the way. I’m Kerrie Schmidt, a former member of the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise and a current members of Sale Central. I’ve held various Rotary positions in my 22 years, love working with people and fill my days doing some consulting work (own business), studying (legal studies and HR), waiting on 3 cats (Rumpole, Fuzzy and Mickey), SES and of course Rotary. I live in Sale Victoria but spend a bit of time in Canberra (home). I love to cook, love to travel and love being with my family and friends.
Member news
Brian and I were in Canberra recently and took the opportunity to catch up with Ian S and Peter S. Both are well and busy with work and Rotary.
Heather has just bought a new home in Bendigo and will be moving in this week (congratulations Heather – happy packing and unpacking),
Phil sent a note of apology for his silence – he’s been flat out at work and travelling but is otherwise well
Russ sent a note from Thailand in an effort to describe his new environment – “No words can describe the 'energies' & lifestyle of Thailand; Look for the negative, & you can find it.
Look for the positive, & you will find it. Look for the beauty & what you can be grateful for...& you will drown”.
Bob is in hospital in Bangkok and we wish him a speedy recovery.
Please let me know about member activity so that I can share the news with others.
District News
Following are the links to District Newsletters for areas where members are located:
Rotary District 9820 (our District):
Rotary District 9710 (Canberra / southern NSW
Rotary District 9800 (Bendigo / parts of Melbourne and south west Victoria):
Rotary District 3350 (Thailand / Cambodia):
Please read at your leisure.
Have a good week everyone.
Phil Muston wrote on 1 July 2015
Hi Kerrie,
I’m conscious of not being a very good Rotarian in taking part in these meetings. They seem to mostly take place when I have some meeting or other on or am flat out getting ready for Sunday. I was on leave in Hong Kong last time. I do read the emails however.
Ian Sayers wrote on 14 July:
It’s taken parts of a couple of days but I’ve finally completed this week’s meeting. I must admit that I didn’t quite understand what this year’s theme was all about, but now think I know why the RI President chose it, having read the items on his website. It was very useful. I watched and listened to the item on Rotary Club Radio and found it moderately interesting. I finished up going to the radio’s website and found a couple of items there much more interesting. There was an item on Shelter Box that was very interesting and informative. I thought I knew a bit about Shelter Box but the scale of its operations are quite staggering. It’s possibly time to have a look at the Australian equivalent – Disaster Aid Australia.
This officially ends meeting No.15
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at
Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.