Welcome to Meeting No. 150 of the Rotary eClub of Latitude 38
Presidents Message
Last week, webmaster Pete reminded us that September is Rotary’s literacy month. Literacy is one of those hidden issues in our own community. It’s easy to talk about it as an overseas’ problem. A family member of mine managed to keep a lid on his own partial illiteracy for years but then late in life was able to deal with it. Many don’t. It’s a tricky situation that needs to be dealt with sensitively. So what can we do? Mostly, we can become more aware of the issue in the first instance and then lock on to community projects that we can support personally. I encourage you to do so.
Have a good week.
Brian N
This week's meeting material
Two interesting articles about different ideas for Kits For Kids
Got a Pen?
No kid should ever be without a pen to do their school work, yet recent studies show that up to 1 in 7 kids in NSW are living in poverty, and this is the kind of problem that they face. When a roof over their heads and food on the table are the parent’s priorities it puts things in to perspective
Visit Got A Pen? website for more details
Kits For Kids
Our Kits for Kids provide personal hygiene and basic "medicine cabinet" items that are scarce in the developing world. If a child gets hurt, families might have to travel a long distance by bicycle, bus or even on foot to receive care at the nearest hospital or medical clinic. Working with pediatricians and nurses, Project C.U.R.E. developed Kits for Kids to give parents in developing countries the supplies they need to provide basic care at home. A bar of soap encourages handwashing, too. Kits for Kids is a great service learning project or family activity!
Visit Kits For Kids website for more details
Rotary Club Project Spotlight - Rotary Club of Townsville Kits4Kids Project
The average age in Timor Leste is 18 years – it is a young persons' country. If Timor Leste is to develop, then the basic educational needs of its school children must be fostered.
The school children outside of Dili in Timor Leste lack basic educational facilities and only one child per family can attend school. The children sit two and three to a desk (if they have one) and share one exercise book. When that book is filled they erase their work and start again, so there is no ability to take the knowledge home for revision and retention.
The Kits4Kids Project is designed to start addressing, in a small way, the basic educational need. Click Here to find out more.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)
Our Rotary Club wishes to send two disadvantaged young people to a Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) weekend at a cost of $480 each. RYLA helps participants gain a better understanding of their own strengths, passions and values. Click here to go to our Go Fund Me page to learn more about how to support developing youth leadership skills.
September is Literacy Month!
The Literacy - Rotarian Action Group ( www.litrag.org ) has produced a 'flyer' to help the districts. It includes information and challenges - written for your easy use across the district.
This officially ends meeting No.150. Let me know on our Facebook group what you thought of the meeting material.
Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.
Pete Showell