Welcome to Meeting No. 155 of the Rotary eClub of Latitude 38
President's Message
Kerrie and I are sailing between Taiwan and Hong Kong at the moment (Friday 12 Oct).
I hope all is well with you all.
Just a reminder that we will be having a general meeting for all members on Monday 22 October at 7.30pm when we will hear about Australian Rotary Health from Viv Armstrong. I hope you all will be able to join us. more details next week.
I am sure we are all supportive of our Secretary/Treasurer, Ian Sayers with the news about Laurel’s illness recently diagnosed. We are thinking of them both.
I look forward to joining the meeting with you all on 22 October from Ho Chi Minh City.
Brian Norris
This week's meeting material
Australian Rotary Health
On the next general meeting we will be joined by Vivienne Armstrong from Australian Rotary Health
Australian Rotary Health is one of the largest independent funders of mental health research within Australia.
We also provide funding into a broad range of general health areas, provide scholarships for rural medical and nursing students, as well as Indigenous health students. Australian Rotary Health provides funding into areas of health that do not readily attract funding, and promotes findings to the community.
Australian Rotary Health is a project of the Rotary Districts of Australia and is supported by Rotary Clubs. We have a broad vision to improve the health and well-being of all Australians. For further information visit Australian Rotary Health website
Rotary Club Project Spotlight - Rotary Club Apia
The club was chartered on 28 September 1970. In its proud 48 year history the club has been involved in many projects which have benefited the local community as well as undertaking overseas projects. Prominent in the local area has been its annual Melbourne Cup Fundraiser that serves as a opportunity for the community to gather together.
Visit the Rotary Club of Apia Facebook page where there is some fascinating information about the installation of computers at Salamumu primary school which were donated by the RC of Parkes, books for a school library program at Fasitoo Uta primary school and tools donated by RC Sunnyhill Banks for a renovation project at Aleisa primary school.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) 19 - 21 October
Our Rotary Club wishes to send two disadvantaged young people to a Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) weekend at a cost of $480 each. RYLA helps participants gain a better understanding of their own strengths, passions and values. Click here to go to our Go Fund Me page to learn more about how to support developing youth leadership skills.
1 October – Polio Pioneer Award nominations are due
1-7 October –Alumni Reconnect Week
24 October – World Polio Day
Pete Showell