Welcome to Meeting No. 188 of the Rotary eClub of Latitude 38 


This week's meeting material

Video from last weeks meeting

https://vimeo.com/307553332 ( If Vimeo does not connect just copy and paste the URL into your browsers address bar )

Please watch the video so we can discuss at the next meeting.

Web links for how to use ClubRunner

This was requested by some members form a previous meeting on how to view and update their ClubRunner details

How do I log into ClubRunner? - Help guide 

How do I access and change my profile? - Help Guide

Little Library - Update

Great story in the Pakenham Gazette about our clubs Little Library which was opened on Sunday 19th May at the Dragon Park lakeside Pakenham. Great photos of the opening are up on our Facebook page. 

Rotary Training

Our next Rotary Training session will be on the 17th June covering Ethics and Vocational Service. Stay tuned for more details.

Latitude 38 Changeover

Our clubs changeover will be held on will be held on Monday 1 July 2019 at 7.30pm online. Zoom link to follow

Rotary International District 9820 Changeover

District 9820 Changeover will be held on Sunday 23rd June 2019 at the Gumbuya World Function Centre in Tynong Victoria. Further details in Janne's journal 

General Meeting.

The next General Meeting will be on the 10 June 7:30 PM. Zoom link TBA

Facebook Updates

Keep posting your updates to Facebook or email them to me and I will add them. If you have more photos or info for our current projects please send them to me so I can update our projects page.


This officially ends meeting No.188. Let me know on our Facebook group what you thought of the meeting material. Serious, leave a comment. It helps to get some feedback on the meeting and also to hear your thoughts and ideas. For club members go to the closed group here Closed Group Facebook page and for non members please leave a comment on our Public Facebook page, like, and share.


If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact Pete at pete@showell.com.au

Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.

Pete Showell
