Welcome to meeting No.28 of the
eClub of Latitude 38.

President's Message
Welcome to Meeting No 28. This week's meeting material includes a short video about the value of reading, the website of the Rotary Club of Barcelona and a "guest speaker" talk on asking simple questions.
I look forward to your comments on the meeting. Please start up a discussion on any of the topics.
Enjoy the meeting and have a good week.
Yours in Rotary
Kerrie S.
This week's meeting material
  • By the book
  • Rotary Club of Barcelona, Spain
  • The Power of Simple Questions - Dr Alan Duffy - Modern life can seem overwhelmingly complex. By uncovering astounding insights into the world we live in from asking three brief questions, Alan shows how sometimes that the best way to understand something complex is to ask a simple question. Dr Duffy is an astrophysicist by training but a curious human by birth and fervently believes that the best way to learn is to ask simple questions. He tries to answer some of these questions at Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, by creating galaxies inside powerful supercomputers.
Brian Norris
Website Manager 
  • Support of the Rotary Foundation
This officially ends meeting No.28
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at briannorris1@bigpond.com
Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.