Meeting No 33 - 12 December 2015
Welcome to meeting No. 33 of
the Rotary eClub of Latitude 38
President's Message
Welcome to Meeting No. 33. This week's meeting material includes a little piece on garbage, schoolieson a Rotary program in Nepal, a video on the Rotary International Convention in Seoul, a beautiful story from Russia and Charles Darwin's great great grandson gives a humorous talk on the mass extinction of species.
I hope you are surviving the Christmas season and I look forward to your comments on the meeting. Please start up a discussion on any of the topics.
Enjoy the meeting and have a good week.
Yours in Rotary
Kerrie S.
This week's meeting material
- Reverse Garbage - It's the little victories that count.
- Nepal gives a new outlook: schoolies gain new perspectives from visit
- Rotary International Convention 2016
- Jameson First Shot - A short film from Russia for Christmas
- Darwin's Unfinished Business - Chris Darwin, the great, great grandson of Charles Darwin, wants to complete his ancestor's work with his "big hairy audacious goal" to prevent the Global Mass Extinction of Species. In this humorous talk, he outlines his solution with his project: "Darwin's Unfinished Business".
Brian Norris
Website Manager
- Partnership with Disaster Aid Australia
- Development of a Crowdfunding scheme
- Micro-credit loans and projects
- Kits for kids
- Support of the Rotary Foundation
This officially ends meeting No.33
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at
Thank you for joining us, we appreciate your feedback, hope you will return soon and invite a guest.