Meeting No 5 - 9 May 2015
Welcome to meeting No.5 of the eClub of Latitude 38.
Hi Brian
Not sure how to go about this so am just replying to you. What a very interesting Meeting 4. I didn’t review the RAM report as I was already up-to-date on it. The videos. That by Amanda Wirtz was well worth watching. She made some very useful remarks about the power of Rotary. John Von Achen. Talk about the gift of the gab. I wasn’t that impressed with him; very much akin to the fast talking used-car salesman. I guess he made some useful points but I was put off by the nature of the man. The old guy, Charles Eugster, was completely different. The reaction of his audience at the end of the presentation said it all. In credible old chap with a vital message: one that I’m afraid not too many bother to understand or follow. The ageing population is going to create tremendous problems if not addressed.
Reference was made to Rotary in Poland. Not too many Rotarians today will know that an Australian had a great deal to do with the revival of Rotary in Poland. PDG Jack Olsson OAM of District 9710 was largely responsible for the reintroduction of Rotary to Poland with the re-Chartering of the Rotary Club of Warsaw on 9 Nov 1989. More of this great story can be followed at
Otherwise, great meeting.
Thanks and regards
Yours in Rotary
As Brian mentioned, we had a busy Rotary weekend just past facilitating a membership forum in Trafalgar (yes they do have Battle of Trafalgar Festival annually) on Saturday with 40+ Rotarians and the first session for membership of the Rotary Leadership Institute (14 people) yesterday. Both were good events as everyone really got involved. I would have liked to play the “Membership has its rewards” video which Brian has posted for us this week at the forum on Saturday – it really demonstrated how ordinary people like you and I can give back to the community. I liked how Amanda Wirtz referred to we Rotarians as “a coalition of change”. I hadn’t thought of Rotarians in that way before but we are. The Rotarians Against Malaria information was powerful – so much has been achieved in eradicating Malaria and ever so quietly but there is clearly a way to go. As for Charles Eugster – what an example for all of us. His presentation was encouraging, confronting (for those not as active as he is) and humorous in parts.
Please share your thoughts about the material and anything else you would like to share for the good of Rotary and those that we do or could serve.
Have a good week everyone.
- Check out the District 9710 RYPEN website (see above),
- ABCs of Rotary is still in the reading section.
- Three Rotary videos to watch. One on RYPEN and two on Ending Polio.
- One inspirational video on failure.
Plus our regular weekly inspirational and educational features...
Possible items on our agenda for the future
- Partnership with Disaster Aid Australia
- Development of a Crowdfunding scheme
- Microcredit project
- Kits for kids
If you have an interesting topic, or project to share please contact me at